Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Bully Took My Candy

It's the end of day 22 of the protests in Madison. It is beyond comprehension how we got here, what all has actually occurred and what will come tomorrow. All I know at this point is that I believe in what I am fighting for. It's simple really. It begins with respect. It begins with recognizing that yes, in fact, we are all created equal and that we are intended to be kind to one another. If we start here, we have everything to gain. If we start with our own agenda, driven by power and money, a lack of willingness to value others and to only put forth what we DEMAND is right, we have everything to loose.

I have been in the thick of protesting since this began. For me, this is about all of the issues that the bill challenges but more so, it's about the unwillingness to acknowledge the value of a two party system. The over arching umbrella issue is that Governor Scott Walker has dug in his Koch Industries work boots and pissed a line in the sand that says my way or the highway (no rail or bikes here). This is not how adults behave. At least not the adults I respect and admire.
The protests have become a hotbed of creativity and expression. It's like political Halloween each weekend. Best entertainment and people watching I can recall. Plus, everyone is so friendly and passionate that it's like a family. It is the most united-diversity one could imagine. 

Much more to share about the experience of this Movement in the future but for now, enjoy these sugar related signs of protest. The last photos tell the story of the 'Rally Bars' that I made and took to the Capitol for the protesters who were staying overnight.


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